xSIG 2024
xSIG (cross-disciplinary workshop on computing Systems, Infrastructures, and programminG) is a workshop from 2017, inheriting the tradition of JSPP,SACSIS,and ACSI. It solicits contributions from a wide range of fields related to computing systems, infrastructures, and programming, spanning all areas covered by the sponsoring special interest groups (cross-SIG).
The main objectives of xSIG are to provide a forum to present and discuss research ideas among researchers spanning many fields and to raise young researchers through a globally standard peer review process. In particular,
We hope authors of xSIG workshop to advance their research based on feedback received and step up to submitting their work to international conferences and journals. We do not publish workshop proceedings. The papers presented in xSIG will be available only to the audience during the workshop. For those who want to publish their work, we collaborate with IPSJ Transactions on ACS for Special Issue on xSIG.
We hope to give authors substantial feedback as well as a place for young researchers to practice/improve writing papers for review, through the globally standard conference format of submitting papers for review, receiving/writing reviews, discussing papers in the program committee meeting, etc. For this, we establish Young Program Committee alongside the regular Program Committee and welcome the participation of young researchers including students to it, for “an early exposure” of motivated students to peer review work normally done by senior researchers.
We award many students.
From 2020, xSIG is co-located with SWoPP event (Summer United Workshops on Parallel, Distributed and Cooperative Processing), in which many SIGs on computing systems held workshops.
Dates and Venue
- Date: Aug. 7 2024 in SWoPP2024
- Venue: Awagin hall, Tokushima-shi, Tokushima
Important Dates
Mar. 12, 2024Mar. 19, 2024, 17:00 JST: Paper registration due (firm)Mar. 19, 2024,Mar. 26, 2024, 17:00 JST: Paper upload due (firm)- Apr. 30, 2024: Author notification
- Jul. 9, 2024: Poster submission due
- Jul. 10, 2024: Author notification (poster)
- Aug. 7-9, 2024: SWoPP 2024
Call for Papers
Scope and Review Criteria
xSIG solicits contributions from a wide range of fields related to computing systems, infrastructures, and programming, spanning all areas covered by the sponsoring special interest groups. We welcome not only papers with original proposals or ideas but also papers reporting the results of practical research and development. All submitted papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee (PC) to select accepted papers and awards. Moreover, we purpose the progression of the researches and fostering young researchers through the reviewing process. We expect the reviewers to give not only the evaluation of the paper but also constructive comment to advance the research. We expect the author(s) to advance the research, and submit revised papers to international conferences/journals in the near future. To this end, we evaluate submitted papers from the view point not only of the quality of the paper but also of the potential of the research. The presentation quality is taken into account for the evaluation.
Paper Format
The restriction on the submitted paper is relaxed taking advantage of the characteristics that xSIG does not publish proceedings. See HERE for further details.
Submission System
We use EasyChair for paper submission.
Research Awards
We select one Best Research Award, and up to two Outstanding Research Awards.
IEEE Computer Society Japan Chapter xSIG Young Researcher Award
We also selects one or a few IEEE Computer Society Japan Chapter xSIG Young Researcher Award from the papers of which the first authors are aged 40 and below.
Student Awards
We also selects one Best { Undergraduate | Master’s } Student Award,and up to two Outstanding { Undergraduate | Master’s } Student Awards from the papers of which the first authors are { undergraduate | master’s course } students.
Student Awards for Criteria
We select Outstanding { Effort | Presentation | English } Awards from the papers of which the first authors are students at master’s course or below. Outstanding Effort Award recognizes time and effort for implementation, data acquisition, and so on.
Young PC members
It is beneficial for young researchers to have experience of a PC member for their research and writing activity. We invite young researchers including students as Young PC members. A student who have had his/her submitted papers reviewed can be a young PC member. A submitted paper is assigned at most one young PC member along with regular PC members. A young PC member reviews the assigned paper, and participates in the discussion at the PC meeting. The regular PC members assigned to the paper and the PC are responsible for the final decision of paper acceptance. If you are interested in, please contact to the organizers.
Duplicated Submission
If a submitted paper and the following paper submitted by the same author or the same group of the authors as the submitted paper are determined identical by the program committee, the submission is regarded as duplicate, and is rejected:
- a paper under review process
- a paper accepted for reviewed publications with ISBN or ISSN
The identity is determined on the basis of the contents, not of the language, style, format, and so on.
If a submission is revealed to be duplicate after acceptance, the acceptance can be rescinded. However, submissions to international conferences or journals are not prohibited after the notification of acceptance.
Paper Format
English or Japanese.
Necessary Items
The format is not restricted as long as the following items are included:
- “xSIG 2024 Confidential Draft — Do NOT Distribute!” at the top of the 1st page.
- Title
- Authors and Affiliations xSIG is a single-blind workshop.
- Abstract
- Main Matter
- References
Other items than these (e.g., acknowledgment) can be included (within word limits).
Word limit
approximately 4,000 to 8,000 words. No limit for references. This would be 5 to 10 pages in 10pt, twocolumn styles.
On-line distribution manuscript
We will collect before the workshop the manuscripts for on-line distribution during the workshop.
If you use LaTeX, the following example will produce a paper that complies with the xSIG format. Note that modifications might be required depending on your style file.
\documentclass[10pt, a4]{article} \begin{document} \twocolumn[ \centering xSIG 2024 Confidential Draft --- Do NOT Distribute!\\ \vspace{5ex} {\LARGE Title}\\ \vspace{4ex} {\large Author1$^{\dagger}$\hspace{1em} Author2$^{\dagger}$\hspace{1em} Author3$^{\ddag}$ % … }\\ \vspace{2ex} $\dagger$: Affiliation1\hspace{1em} $\ddag$: Afflication2\\ \vspace{3ex} ] \begin{abstract} This paper describes …. \end{abstract} \section{Introduction} Recently, … \cite{bib:xsig-2024}. \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{bib:xsig-2022} xSIG 2022, /2022/en/ (2022). \end{thebibliography} \end{document}
Bachelor/Master Thesis and Paper to Submit
We welcome papers that serves the base for bachelor/master theses. However, a thesis and a papers to submit are different from the purpose. If you try to submit a paper that serves the base for your thesis, attention should be paid to the following items:
- Do not write “Bachelor/Master Thesis” in the header.
- Include all the authors (including you).
- Do not write the adviser or the date of submission to the university office.
- Pay attention to the recipient and contents of the acknowledgement.
In general, too long manuscripts comparing with their technical contents will be poorly evaluated. Since the potential readers of papers submitted to the workshop are specialists of their research area, we recommend to divide the background section into:
- general background that specialists of that area will know and
- paper-specific background that must be explained even to specialists.
The former should be omitted from the paper to submit. This also helps your thesis be more easy to understand.
Call for Posters
xSIG 2024 solicits poster presentations from a wide range (cross-SIG) fields of all sponsors and co-sponsors of xSIG.
- research of any stage, such as concept and problem presentation
- research presented at xSIG 2024 and SWoPP 2024 with an oral presentation.
- previously published research in other opportunities.
- introduction of research and development project.
We are planning to give poster awards for outstanding poster presentations to students. (Please note that authors already awarded for oral presentation papers of xSIG 2024 are ineligible for the poster awards) We hope various researchers, not limited to students and young researchers, have presentations here. xSIG 2024 encourages authors of oral presentations of xSIG 2024 and SWoPP 2024 to introduce their research again in the poster session for in-depth discussions.
If the number of submissions exceeds the available capacity, we might decline some posters of oral presentation papers at xSIG and SWoPP in order to provide presentation opportunities for more people. Also, we might decline out-of-scope posters from the xSIG interests.
The poster session will be provided only on-site at the xSIG/SWoPP venue.
You have to enter the author information, title, and abstract of your poster. The abstract should be around 200-400 characters (in Japanese) or 100-200 words (in English). The title and author(s) will be listed on the xSIG website.
Submission System
Poster Presentation
Present your poster in the xSIG 2024 poster session. You will need to attach your poster (maximum size A0) to the board provided at the venue using thumbtacks.
Please also refer to this page to see what the poster venue will look like.
While we will not officially provide electronic versions of the posters, we plan to offer a space on the SWoPP Slack where presenters can upload their posters.
Poster schedule
- Submission deadline: 23:59, July 9, 2024 (JST)
- Author notification: after July 10, 2024
- Poster session: 13:35-15:00, August 7, 2024 (JST)
Organizing Committee
Organizing Chair | KOIBUCHI, Michihiro | (National Institute of Informatics) |
Organizing Committee | INOUE, Hiroshi | (IBM) |
IWASHITA, Takeshi | (Kyoto University) | |
ENDO, Toshio | (Tokyo Institute of Technology) | |
GODA, Kazuo | (The University of Tokyo) | |
GOSHIMA, Masahiro | (National Institute of Informatics) | |
NAKADA, Hidemoto | (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)) |
OGUCHI, Masato | (Ochanomizu University) | |
TAURA, Kenjiro | (The University of Tokyo) | |
TAKIZAWA, Hiroyuki | (Tohoku University) | |
TAKEFUSA, Atsuko | (National Institute of Informatics) | |
TSUMURA, Tomoaki | (Nagoya Institute of Technology) |
Program Committee
Program Chair | KOURAI, Kenichi | (Kyushu Institute of Technology) |
Program Vice-Chair | ARAI, Junya | (NTT) |
OHSHIMA, Satoshi | (Kyushu University) | |
SHIOYA, Ryota | (The University of Tokyo) | |
Poster Chair | HIRAISHI, Tasuku | (Kyoto Tachibana University) |
Program Secretary | MASUI, Koki | (Osaka University) |
Program Committee | KOSHIBA, Atsushi | (Technical University of Munich) |
KUGA, Yohei | (The University of Tokyo) | |
SAKAMOTO, Ryuichi | (Tokyo Institute of Technology) | |
AKIYAMA, Soramichi | (Ritsumeikan University) | |
SATO, Masaya | (Okayama Prefectural University) | |
FUKAI, Takaaki | (AIST) | |
YOSHIMURA, Takeshi | (IBM Research - Tokyo) | |
TADOKORO, Hidekazu | (KIOXIA) | |
HAYASAKA, Mitsuo | (Hitachi) | |
TAZAKI, Hajime | (IIJ) | |
MATSUBARA, Katsuya | (Future University Hakodate) | |
YAMAGUCHI, Saneyasu | (Kogakuin University) | |
ANDO, Kota | (Hokkaido University) | |
OGAWA, Shugo | (Hitachi) | |
SHIBATA, Seiya | (NEC) | |
KADOMOTO, Junichiro | (The University of Tokyo) | |
KOJIMA, Takuya | (The University of Tokyo) | |
KOBAYASHI, Ryohei | (Tsukuba University) | |
YAMAKI, Hayato | (The University of Electro-Communications) | |
, Thiem Van Chu | (Tokyo Institute of Technology) | |
KAWAKAMI, Satoshi | (Kyushu University) | |
YASUDO, Ryota | (Kyoto University) | |
KOIZUMI, Toru | (Nagoya Institute of Technology) | |
FUJIEDA, Naoki | (Aichi Institute of Technology) | |
ODAJIMA, Tetsuya | (Fujitsu) | |
UKEZONO, Tomoaki | (Fukuoka University) | |
TSUJI, Miwako | (RIKEN R-CCS) | |
FUKAYA, Takeshi | (Hokkaido University) | |
HOSHINO, Tetsuya | (Nagoya University) | |
YOKOTA, Rio | (Tokyo Institute of Technology) | |
SHIMOKAWABE, Takashi | (The University of Tokyo) | |
NAKASHIMA, Kouta | (Fujitsu) | |
NAKAO, Masahiro | (RIKEN R-CCS) | |
FUJITA, Norihisa | (Tsukuba University) | |
MIKI, Yohei | (The University of Tokyo) | |
SATO, Kento | (RIKEN R-CCS) | |
IMAKURA, Akira | (Tsukuba University) | |
KOMATSU, Kazuhiko | (Tohoku University) | |
FUJII, Akihiro | (Kogakuin University) | |
KAWAI, Masatoshi | (Nagoya University) | |
HIROTA, Yusuke | (Fukui University) | |
OOTOMO, Hiroyuki | (NVIDIA) | |
MATSUZAKI, Kiminori | (Kochi University of Technology) | |
HORIE, Michihiro | (IBM Japan) | |
YASUGI, Masahiro | (Kyushu Institute of Technology) | |
ONIZUKA, Makoto | (Osaka University) | |
KAWASHIMA, Hideyuki | (Keio University) | |
GODA, Kazuo | (The University of Tokyo) | |
MIYAZAKI, Jun | (Tokyo Institute of Technology ) | |
NAKAZONO, Sho | (LY Corporation) | |
NAKAZAWA, Rina | (IBM Research - Tokyo) | |
KANETA, Yusaku | (Rakuten Mobile, Inc.) | |
NEMOTO, Jun | (Scalar, Inc.) | |
SUGIURA, Kento | (Nagoya University) | |
HOSHINO, Takashi | (Cybozu Labs, Inc.) | |
Young PC | SATAKE, Yuki | (Hokkaido University) |
Technical Sponsors
Sponsors | Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) | SIG System Architecture | (ARC) |
SIG High-Performance Computing | (HPC) | ||
SIG System Software and Operating System | (OS) | ||
SIG Programming | (PRO) | ||
Co-Sponsors | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) | Computer Society Tokyo/Japan Joint Chapter | |
Support | Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) | SIG Database System (DBS) | |
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) | Technical Committee on Computer System | (CPSY) | |
Technical Committee on Data Engineering | (DE) | ||
Technical Committee on Reconfigurable Systems | (RECONF) |